Monday, 31 August 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 8 by Sandra Adeyemi

Let me tell you how the Holy Spirit chastened me the other day! 
I posted this a while ago on my personal Instagram page about how I was harboring unforgiveness and I did not even know it.

 My friend and I had several misunderstandings and each time I would plan my reaction ahead of time. I had basically made up my mind about what it is I wanted to do. From how I was going to react and roll my eyes and what I was going to say to her if she had crossed me but I could never bring myself to execute my plans. I basically felt like everything she did or say was to come for me. I would be laughing with her one day then all of a sudden get irritated around her. It was a constant battle between my mood swings. So during my quiet time one night, THREE devotionals spoke to me the same way and TWO gave me this SAME verse:

Mark 11:25 [AMP]: "And whenever you stand praying, if 
you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop [leave it, let it go], in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your [own] failings and shortcomings and let it drop" {the holy spirit gave me in the NKJV version but I like this better haha}. 

After reading that TWICE, I began to smile and then all of a sudden started crying. I did not even understand how my tears came about but I was crying and I knew that the Holy Spirit was checking me like never before. It was evident, no matter how I tried to hide it or lie to myself, God knew the truth and then I remembered the bible verse "As many are led by the SPIRIT they shall be called the sons of God [Romans 8:14] . I had two options: to either led the Holy spirit correct me or let my emotions and thoughts lead me instead, I was happy I chose the former ! I asked God that night to give me a heart to forgive her and that if I had done anything to hurt her too, that he should please give her a heart to forgive me also. ! Now, our friendship could not have been any better! Thank you Jesus! 

Another Holy Spirit scenario I had was quite a funny one lol but essential to me. I was in the bathroom the other day pretending to be on the Oprah show or some talk show [yes I am crazy and I talk to myself all the time], and I started to ask myself questions [pretending to be Oprah] and then answering it [being me]. Then I proceeded to ask myself "So do you like l long walks and stuff" and then answered "No, I would rather just drive and get to my destination on time, I honestly hate walking". All of a sudden a voice out of nowhere spoke and said "And that's show you take life". I paused. Evaluated. I know that was not me talking and I was the only one in the bathroom, I was sure that it was the Holy spirit speaking to me. Unlike my other Holy Spirit encounters, this was not a still voice but a clear audible one!!

The Holy spirit was telling me to take everyday one step at a time and Trust God WHOLEHEARTEDLY.  
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths" [Proverbs 3:5].  
If I am too busy trying to be in a hurry I will go ahead of God's plan and miss out on all the blessings he has for me in between the journey. Not everything is a rush and God's timing is best. He created time and hence does not need to heed to it. When he commands, things come to pass and it is a learning process everyday!

The Holy Spirit is always here to help you and my prayer for you and i is that we grow attentive to its voice every single day.
God Bless you all

Saturday, 29 August 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 5 by Angel Okwuosa

The Holy Spirit and I have gone through a lot. I doubted His presence in my life for various reasons. But over the years He has relentlessly shown me how much He cares for me, and most of the answers you seek in life can be found within.

 There was a particular guy that I had a hopeless crush on. He was my muse, my preoccupation... I dreamt about him man... It was so sad! I had such lofty hopes that he felt the same way about me, but looking back I figure that it just wasn't meant to be.
Anyway, my friend had been telling me to confess my feelings to him; let him know how I feel and see what happened. Although it wasn't usually my style, I considered it because I was frustrated. Others had dropped hints but he 'didn't believe it'.
Gosh I should've known from that alone.
So we were at the dining hall and I was sitting across from him. My well meaning but oblivious friend was nudging me, but try as I might I couldn't. My mouth was sealed. By then I had noticed that anytime my tongue was tied, it was not out of shyness but divine intervention. So I didn't force out the words that had been struggling to get out for such a long time.
To cut a long story short, he didn't reciprocate. Not. At. All. In fact he liked my friend; but that's another story for another day.
It hurt like hell; but at least I had my dignity.

The point is that the Spirit has had my back for all sorts; boy troubles, family issues, exams (like during objective exams I would ask God to send me signs- eg if the answer is A, let someone sneeze). He reveals so much to me about myself; my issues, weaknesses, strengths, that I am beautifully and wonderfully made.

"He reveals so much to me about

myself; my issues, weaknesses,

strengths, that I am 

beautifully and wonderfully made"

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 7 by Adedolapo Esther Balogun

 The Holy Spirit speaks to me in different ways but most especially through reading. It’s weird, but that’s really how he speaks to me and not just through reading the bible but other things like my devotion, a book or a website. From when I surrendered my life to Christ till date that’s mainly how he speaks to me. The day I surrendered my life to Christ, it was because I read my devotion for that day randomly (as I hadn’t read it in like forever). It was talking about how children of God who had gone astray should return to God. It was such a timely message as I was very far from God around that time and I felt there was something missing in my life. Reading my devotion that day triggered something in me and I was convicted by the Holy Spirit to repent.

Also recently, for example, I was faced with a huge challenge that with human effort could not be solved. Before even voicing out my issue the Holy Spirit spoke to me once again through my devotion. The title of my devotion that day was ‘Breaking Limitations’ and the memory verse was 

Jeremiah 32:27 ‘Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all Flesh: is there anything to hard for me?

It spoke about man being limited but not God and I was like wow that is exactly what I needed to hear. Its like my devotions were orchestrated to be written in a particular order before time began because it literally always has a solution to every problem I face at the exact time.

The Holy Spirit also speaks to me through people. I remember once when I was going through a hard time and I was in so much doubt. I did not tell anyone what I was going through. One day as I was questioning my belief in God, my sister texted me and said She just felt led to tell God loves you and He is with you. I then went for a program the next day and randomly people that did not know me started coming to me to tell me God loves me. It later dawned on me how much God is truly with his children. Also if I am doing something that God doesn’t want me doing, the Holy Spirit will convict me of it. If I still don’t listen God will send people to speak to me concerning it. God truly speaks, especially when we call on him. When I ask God questions he always gives me an answer through some means.

 John 14:26 is truly right by saying the Holy Spirit is our helper. Not only does he speak to me on spiritual matters but he also speaks to me and helps me in my daily activities.  Once I forgot my key to my university accommodation at home. As I was entering the elevator, the Holy Spirit whispered to me ‘You forgot your key’ Thank God that he spoke to me because if I didn’t have my key, I would have been locked out when I got to university.  Also once I couldn’t find my student ID card after searching everywhere. Then I prayed and a few minutes later the Holy Spirit told me where it was and lo and behold when I checked there, I found it. Don’t let the enemy lie to you and tell you God does not speak to us for he is speaking to you right now as you read this! 


Friday, 28 August 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 4 by Nnenna Ugorji

Right now walking in love is a major focus for me. I woke up today feeling down due to the depressing situation I thought I was in, I went to the balcony of my apartment and saw a woman walking down the road with cerebral issues that affected her walking coordination and stance and at that point my problems felt too small to matter knowing she wakes up every morning with that struggle. This made me realize that God has shown and still shows me so much love in spite of all my actions and every morning when I wake up and pray I get a clean slate with him so why can't I wake up also and show as much love as I can to someone else in spite of their actions. It's more than feeling the need to but making a decision that you will regardless of how you feel because our love should be independent of feelings (that have proved to be very unreliable if I must say). Every day I choose to walk in love.
"Let the Holy Spirit teach you

something new every day it can be

through the bible or through his low

whisper. He is always revealing


Thursday, 27 August 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 3 by Adimchinobi Oji

So I prayed with my friend today (28th of August) about something that's really important to her. After the prayer I was a bit worried that I had not prayed well enough; that I should have said more things to ensure that what we prayed for will come to pass. The Holy Spirit reminded me very gently that God answers prayers because He is faithful.  He is dependable and true to His word. He reminded me of Hebrews 11:11 which says that Sarah was enabled to bear children because she considered God who has made the promise faithful.
So whenever I pray to God I should be assured that embellishing my words and actions will not achieve anything. I only need to come as I am, lay my worries at the feet of God and be rest assured that God is faithful to work on my behalf.

 "He is faithful. He is dependable and true to His word"

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 2 by Emikele Oseni-Elamah

The first time I think or I was aware that I experienced the holy spirit was last year. I grew up in a christian home but I never had the relationship with Christ like I do now. Last year, I was convicted to pray about certain areas of my life, one of my prayer points was "Lord, I am hungry for you". I kept on whaling and listening to songs in a dark room. I really wanted to know God and dig deeper, and this was when I heard God's voice and the only time I heard the voice. It was a tiny whisper and it looked like I was in a trance. It was a memorable experience. One thing I was told was "If you want more of me, it comes with sacrifices" He told me to go to Genesis 22, where Abraham sacrificed his only son,and I was challenged to give up some things. After i heeded to the voice, I started a new life, a new life filled with peace and joy from within. This is  how I knew the Holy Spirit was with me. It says he will comfort and give you peace.
(2 Thessalonians 3:16, Romans 15:13) not like I never had peace or joy before, but since that day I obeyed, there is the feeling I get, no matter how horrible my day is, I have this inner joy and peace knowing everything is under control. 

"If you want more of me,
it comes with sacrifices"

Another scenario where I experienced the holy spirit was when I lost my wallet. I'm very "prim and proper and organized" (so I'm told). I dislike looking for things, so I'm really careful about my things. I went to the mall and usually, I take my bag anywhere I go but this day I decided just to take my wallet. It was a really long day. I came back home and the next day I was meant to go do my hair but I couldn't find my wallet. Normally when I loose something so valuable like my wallet or phone, I panic a lot and I will go the extra mile just to get it back. I had a lot of cash in my wallet and tons of cards, I couldn't even think of deactivating all of them. So when I realized I lost my wallet, the Holy Spirit (my heart) told me to be at peace. I didn't panic a bit. I called the mall services and everywhere I went the day it was lost but there was no luck. I decided 6 days later that I would lock my credit card for the mean time because I still had a strong feeling it would be found and the only card I had to change was my debit card because I needed to use it. A day after I got a new debit card, on a Sunday, I went to church without my wallet, and coincidentally Pastor preached on restoration. Like literally that sermon was for me. I mean God was talking to me directly, and I felt energized, and I didn't really care about the wallet anymore to be honest, it was whatever. I was watching a movie with friends and family in the living room, later that same day and sitting down on my favorite couch. While watching the movie, my friend came up to me and said something that made me laugh so hard. To our wildest believe, as I was laughing we just saw something fly out from the chair to the other side of the room, it was like magic!. Everyone was in shock. I couldn't even talk. I froze for like, let's say 2-3 minutes.. Everyone was like wow and everyone searched the house including that couch for days but we didn't find it. I was just smiling all through and was like God is good. And I didn't for one day panic or worry.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 1 by Laolu Osinbajo

ENTRY 1 by Laolu Osinbajo @kidluucomedian 


I was praying the other day, asking God for wisdom when I suddenly feel and bumped my head on the side of my bed. I immediately asked the Holy Spirit why would you let that happen to me? And His response was in 1 Corinthians 6:19, which explained that my body is the temple of God and I don't belong to myself.

The Holy Spirit then revealed this to me: At times we wonder as children of God why do we fall sick or get in accidents. Were the angels off duty that day? God uses certain sorrows to actually push us away from sin and towards salvation ( 2 Corinthians 7:10). Sometimes we let sin prevail in our lives for so long that God gives us that bump on the head to bring us back to Him, before it's too late.

Psalms 76:10 explains that God uses human defiance as weapon for His glory. So if you are His children and you choose to live in sin (strong head children), He will continue sending sorrows your way till you get the memo and repent. Thus saving you from the clutches of the devil.

Remember He said he causes everything to work for the good of those who love Him. So in times of trouble, you should actually rejoice, for your faith and endurance are being tested and God is working to bring you closer to Him. Isn't it amazing how much He loves us?

#iLiterallyBumpedMyHeadToLearnAndShareThisMessage#HeWorksInMysteriousWays #ShareThisWithAFriend


Do you know you have the Holy Spirit living in you? Do you know He gives you direction?
A lot of people have asked me, how do you know the Holy Spirit is with you and speaks to you? I have tried to answer and explain that the way He speaks to me is totally different from the way He speaks to you. I can't tell you that He will whisper to your ear in the night or when you read your bible, a flashing light will appear. Everyone has different stories but the only thing is that WHATEVER HE SAYS TO YOU IS BACKED WITH THE WORD OF GOD. Always!!!!!
So I want to start the ‪#‎HolySpiritChallenge‬
Now I want you guys to share with me and everyone how God( Holy Spirit) has been speaking to you. You can share an experience and how it has affected your walk in Christ. The Holy Spirit speaks Everyday even in the most little situations. "Don't use the bus today" or "Read this passage today" or even "That is not right, do this".

Share with us how you speak to him in return and on the last day of this challenge I would share my story with you guys. I would make sure some of the people that guide and mentor me in the faith share theirs so you see it's not a thing of hierarchy or position.
I want people all over my social media to know that God is with You, He cares for you, He is Always speaking to you and The Holy Spirit is real!
This challenge last for 37days, ending on the last day of September.

Email your story to me and attach a picture to it (a picture of either of you or anything you want)
Email: or my Facebook inbox : Ugo Eluchie
“But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.”
John 14:26 AMP
TELL PEOPLE ABOUT THIS! It's going DOWN!!!! 👑👑👑🔥🔥🔥🏾🏾🏾