Monday, 31 August 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 8 by Sandra Adeyemi

Let me tell you how the Holy Spirit chastened me the other day! 
I posted this a while ago on my personal Instagram page about how I was harboring unforgiveness and I did not even know it.

 My friend and I had several misunderstandings and each time I would plan my reaction ahead of time. I had basically made up my mind about what it is I wanted to do. From how I was going to react and roll my eyes and what I was going to say to her if she had crossed me but I could never bring myself to execute my plans. I basically felt like everything she did or say was to come for me. I would be laughing with her one day then all of a sudden get irritated around her. It was a constant battle between my mood swings. So during my quiet time one night, THREE devotionals spoke to me the same way and TWO gave me this SAME verse:

Mark 11:25 [AMP]: "And whenever you stand praying, if 
you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop [leave it, let it go], in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your [own] failings and shortcomings and let it drop" {the holy spirit gave me in the NKJV version but I like this better haha}. 

After reading that TWICE, I began to smile and then all of a sudden started crying. I did not even understand how my tears came about but I was crying and I knew that the Holy Spirit was checking me like never before. It was evident, no matter how I tried to hide it or lie to myself, God knew the truth and then I remembered the bible verse "As many are led by the SPIRIT they shall be called the sons of God [Romans 8:14] . I had two options: to either led the Holy spirit correct me or let my emotions and thoughts lead me instead, I was happy I chose the former ! I asked God that night to give me a heart to forgive her and that if I had done anything to hurt her too, that he should please give her a heart to forgive me also. ! Now, our friendship could not have been any better! Thank you Jesus! 

Another Holy Spirit scenario I had was quite a funny one lol but essential to me. I was in the bathroom the other day pretending to be on the Oprah show or some talk show [yes I am crazy and I talk to myself all the time], and I started to ask myself questions [pretending to be Oprah] and then answering it [being me]. Then I proceeded to ask myself "So do you like l long walks and stuff" and then answered "No, I would rather just drive and get to my destination on time, I honestly hate walking". All of a sudden a voice out of nowhere spoke and said "And that's show you take life". I paused. Evaluated. I know that was not me talking and I was the only one in the bathroom, I was sure that it was the Holy spirit speaking to me. Unlike my other Holy Spirit encounters, this was not a still voice but a clear audible one!!

The Holy spirit was telling me to take everyday one step at a time and Trust God WHOLEHEARTEDLY.  
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths" [Proverbs 3:5].  
If I am too busy trying to be in a hurry I will go ahead of God's plan and miss out on all the blessings he has for me in between the journey. Not everything is a rush and God's timing is best. He created time and hence does not need to heed to it. When he commands, things come to pass and it is a learning process everyday!

The Holy Spirit is always here to help you and my prayer for you and i is that we grow attentive to its voice every single day.
God Bless you all

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