Wednesday, 30 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry by ME

I am so grateful to God and the participants of this challenge. I started it thinking only my friends would participate as per moral support but I got 37 entries and I didn't know quite a number of them personally. I cried and I asked God why this challenge and through the weeks I realised God wants to make himself known through us. I heard a saying that goes "it's easier to live holy than speak boldly". The devil doesn't want us to talk on here. We can be reading our bibles, speaking to God in our rooms as long as we don't speak about our relationships with God to others. It's just fine 👌🏾 BUT NAAAAHH! I'm gonna speak. God has been working on me since day 1 and I'm still learning under his feet but if I don't share then I'm wicked because I know where the cure is at and I'm not telling my friends, my family or others. God has been my sustainer, my inhaler, my speed, my heart, my lover and best friend.

So the HOLY SPIRIT, speaks to me in different ways and he confirms his direction.
I'll share two stories so that you can understand.
I try as much as possible to read my bible but it's not just only  reading and studying, you have to let that word SPEAK LIFE into your spirit. You can read the bible front to back and still have NO UNDERSTANDING. So I prayed last year at the beginning of the academic session and asked God to help me be attentive to what he has to say. I started a new pattern for studying the word. I didn't just do it in the morning or night. Any where I was I will read it, speak it and all. One day I was at church and I had an argument with a lady older than me by 4-5 years. It escalated that we exchanged a few words. I don't know what happened but I wasn't in control of my emotions that day. Not to sound childish but she started the quarrel. You know the way some church aunties can behave😭😭 so I go back to my flat and Told God I CANT apologies to her because if we lay facts on the table, I was right to an extent until I started to reply her. So God said okay. That night, I read my bible and prayed "Lord I live to serve you" 🙌🏾


The next day I went to Church for bible study and the memory verse for the day was 2 Timothy 2: 24. 'A SERVANT of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all'. I cried 😭😭😭I started confessing to the people in bible study😭😭 all my Pride had gone and I ran to the Aunty and apologised. Little did I know that God was also working with her over night as well so she apologised to me. When I got back home, I was laughing. I was telling God, pride can kill and I laughed. God has been putting me in positions where I have to show what I have learnt from reading the word.

He also speaks to me through people. I can be impatient at times. There was a burden in my heart and I didn't know who to tell. I prayed but I was scared they will judge me. That time I used to lead a bible study group and my girls will come to me and tell me their issues, I would pray with and for them and next week, Testimonies. I'll go back to my room and CRY😭😭😭😭 Abba why?? What of me??

No one knew. One day after maybe a week or two of my season. After leading bible study, one of the guys that disciple me just came and said Jesus loves you. Another one called me on FaceTime, Jesus is deeply in love with you. I got three texts Jesus loves you so much. I started to cry. And one of them explained that it was a season, by that time in my walk, I couldn't really discern seasons and times. Awon Baby drinking Milk 👶🏾🍼

He speaks to me through dreams, well the dreams are more, you have been slacking that why you are feeling this way, so I wake up and pray. I put my mind under the subjection of God. My body is very sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is telling me meaning sometimes I feel a physical pain, in my chest. When my eyes and ears Have been dwelling on things they ought not to be dwelling on, I would dream. It became scary so I started to watch what I listened to because "faith comes by hearing"

God is my best friend and I tell him when I'm pissed and when I'm happy and all. I report people that annoy me to him and he uses that opportunity to teach me love and humility. However during those times we have banter time. We just laugh but the one message I get no matter what I read, hear, do. I love you and I'm going to use you but you have to be COMMITTED. You might fall but you will NEVER fall out of me, you will fall in me (in grace)

So here's mine and I'm out

#TheHolySpiritChallenge 🏾️💜

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 36 by Yemi Smart

I felt led to share how i believe the Holy Spirit speaks to me or dwells in me. I know it took me a while to figure out how the Holy Spirit speaks because I was always waiting for a clear voice. 
I believe the Holy Spirit speaks to me through people going through similar stuff I’m going through, through music and through doing the bible challenges. 

As people talk to me about their challenges or a challenge i think the Holy Spirit speaks to me through these people and this has helped me a lot going through different things. The funny thing is these people didn’t know I needed that or they were helping me. Like i could be finding it difficult to handle a situation and then someone who is going through something similar decides to tell me about their own issue. As i try to help the person and pray with the person even though i don’t know what to do about my own issue, things come to my head which i share to the person and these things can also apply to me. I’m like wow, how didn’t i think of this and i tell the person. Through peoples situations the Holy Spirit can speak to you so when someone tells me something, i always check if i can relate to it in a way and if not now i may use it later. So Amazing!!

Through the bible challenges on bible app, the Holy Spirit has convicted me of things as well as explained things that i don’t understand. For example i remember long ago i read something about people causing others to sin. I immediately got convicted about parties lol. Whether you don’t do anything bad but creating an avenue for people to do things was on your head. I won’t say i stopped instantly but the Holy Spirit had a way of making me get tired of these events that i didn’t have interest doing them again. I got interested in other things.

One thing i have learnt is, the Holy Spirit is always there to help you. Also do not kill your Spirit. Like when you are convicted about something, pause and rethink. Do not just carry on because you can kill your Spirit convicting you about that thing and you will get comfortable in it and make it a part of you. I have learnt to listen!

Monday, 28 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 35 by Abimbola Balogun

I gave my life to Christ for the first time when I was 6 and since then the Holy Spirit speaks to me. When I was younger, it used to be this quiet voice. An example was a day in school, I was walking and I saw some guys on a ladder trying to put somethings on the top of a building. I was about to walk under it and I heard a voice say 'don't go over there, move back' so I literally did what I was instructed to do. In a minute, the ladder fell down with the guys on it and they were badly injured. If I went an inch closer, it would have fallen on me. This is just one example of how the Holy Spirit speaks.
There was a point in my life where I didn't have a relationship with God. I knew Him but I was so distant from Him. He still spoke to me though but I never really knew. I only realized looking back that the holy spirit was speaking to me but the things of this world were so loud that I couldn't hear it. That's the thing about God, he is quiet and subtle. The devil on the other hand is very loud, everything about the world is loud and in your face. So when you are serving the world and your focus is on worldly things, you might find it hard to hear the Holy Spirit speak. But the holy spirits speaks and one day it would hit you, like it hit me (That moment when God checks your life lol)
As I drew closer to God, the Holy Spirit started speaking to me through the different methods but most especially through the word. The holy spirit would convict me when I was doing something wrong, encourage me when I was down and direct me when I was confused.
I love this challenge because I think it is important to know how the holy spirits speaks, especially when you want to live a God driven life. It's also important to know that everyone has a different experience. God knows you and knows how He wants to communicate with you. It's very important to know that God isn't a loud God, so if you're not still it would be very hard to hear from him.

Sunday, 27 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 34 by Becky Larry-Izamoje

I can totally relate to a couple of write ups I've seen out there. The Holy Spirit indeed speaks to me when I Read the bible with a deep yearn for a revelation from Him. Indeed he revealed to me that when I want to cry 'God speak to me', I should just read The Bible. That has changed my life a great deal. He has spoken to me through many different ways ,through people, in dreams, while praying & fasting, and not only that , but even just unexpectedly sometimes. For instance , one day from the balcony of the backyard in the house I was in, I saw a rat scattering things on the ground outside in its attempt to hide beneath them, but no matter how hard it tried to hide, it still remained visible to me as I was watching its every move. This spoke me that no matter where I choose to hide, I'm forever visible to God and can never hide from his sight. Also, like the bible says in Romans 3:23, all have sinned and have fall short of the glory of God. 
When in weak in my spirit I find it hard to pray but it is the Holy Spirit that helps me.
Romans 8:26 'And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words'. I remember very vividly this particular day I was in my room at uni and I really wanted to pray but I just couldn't find the words. I just began to say Holy Spirit help me pray. That evening is unforgettable .
I cried, I sang,i spoke , I prayed, in what I thought was unimaginable .
So the Holy Spirit is real and He's at work. All we need to do is just open up , receive Him and allow Him. I wholeheartedly desire all of Him.  May God help us all to be more like Him in Jesus name, amen
The most important part to me is the weak in spirit one and How he helped me to pray

Saturday, 26 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 33 by Marie Axelle

 I'm 17 now and I think that my real struggle in this life is living chastely and motivate others because the most of my friends don't do it.

 I went to church on Friday night for my birthday and the predicator was preaching about how to inspire your entourage to follow our Lord. I was telling God "yes, I'll make the nations your disciples but how can I do this if I can't do it with my own friends" and sincerely by saying this I directly thought about a good friend to me. I know her since 2012 and we're like sisters now. She knows right how I love and fear God but she never really understood me or even tried to do as me. I wanted her to live a real chaste life but I didn't know how to convince her.

But my God shows me once again that he's always listening to my prayers! Even the smallest one! Yesterday I went her home and we began to talk about motivation for living in chastely, differently from guys of our ages, etc.
She told me she would like to live like that but she loves sex so much and it'll be really difficult to stop. I asked her "Is your love for sex bigger than your love for Jesus?"
She got silent... And began to cry. She was disappointed of herself cause she finally understood that she was running away from God and His holy word.
I said her to not condemn herself cause the Lord is patient, faithful and has mercy. Also she finally understood the peace, the joy and the great love that come from God and she's ready to enjoy it!!!
When I was speaking to her it was like someone was saying to me "tell her that, tell her this, tell her bla bla bla".
And I'm really happy, grateful and soooo glad because I know the Holy Spirit spoke to her trough me!! And I know this is just the beginning!

Friday, 25 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 32 by Yemisi Ajeojo

I have learnt to see my emotions as indicators and not dictators mostly because I see it as one of the ways the Holy Spirit speaks to me.

Whenever I start feeling really strong emotions about something or someone, I have to sit down and articulate what God is trying to say to me. For instant , if I feel I start feeling discontent, it might be  God telling me reach for me or a sign that I have allowed myself to feed on things that has made me covetous or greedy.

Recently, I started feeling very uncomfortable around a close friend of mine. I didn’t understand why. This girl was like a Sister to me, and so I didn’t understand why I felt so much negative emotions towards her. It continued for days and weeks and negatively affected my relationship with her (We are no longer as close as we used to be, but babe if you are reading this, know that I still love you loads and
I wish things could go back to the way it used to be. xx). So one day, I casually asked God during my quiet time why I was feeling this way, and I couldn’t believe what God told me.

God told me that I was living in unforgiveness. Now listen, I have had to deal with a lot of things, but unforgiveness was something I never thought that I dealt with.
I couldn’t think of any major way my friend had hurt me. I had to ask the Holy Spirit to help me understand. As days went by, He began to show me that I liked to run away from issues and situations unconsciously without dealing with it. So if someone hurt me, I would rather pretend like I wasn’t hurt just for peace sake rather than deal with the issue. This secret hurt and grudge unconsciously builds up to unforgiveness and leads to negative actions towards them. In the case of my friend, because we really close, there had definitely been time when she said something hurtful to me or did something to hurt me and instead of dealing with this hurt, I act like I let it slide
while I secretly hold a grudge. Because I refused to deal with these little things, they pile up and lead to unforgiveness. Wow!

If anyone had told me that I was struggling with unforgiveness, I would have called that person a liar. But now since it was the Holy Spirit, I knew I had to address this issue.

This is one of many situations where if the Holy spirit hadn’t spoken to me, I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

This particular situation thought me a lot of lessons. It thought me to not be passive about any situations. If someone does something that hurt me, depending on how big it is, I like to address it. IF it is not such a big deal, I just talk to the Holy Spirit about it. I say something like ‘see, what this person did hurt me. They probably did not do it intentionally and I feel like it is not worth bringing it up with them, but please can you just heal me of every hurt no matter how small and help me love them like you continue to love me regardless’

 It has also thought me to always talk to the Holy spirit about everything especially as he is always with me. Even the small seemingly insignificant things.

In have also learnt that the way God speaks to me, is not the same for other people. For instance, I am sure it is not everybody he speaks to through their emotions.

It has also thought me the importance of guarding my heart. If I want to constantly hear from God, then I need to be in the position to
constantly hear him by guarding what I allow my mind to feed on both consciously and unconsciously. I need to be in the position to be 100% confident that it is God speaking to me and I am not just being moved by emotions or my fleshly desires

I have also learnt to not just be moved by my emotions, but to submit it to God and allow the holy spirit to let me know what he is indicating to me.

When you are in a relationship with God, he will not just tell you the sweet jubbly things. 
He will also convict, correct and instruct through the Holy Spirit.
‘And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God's righteousness, and of the coming judgment.’ John 16:8

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the living God dwelling on the inside of me. The king of kings dwelling on the inside of you. He is there to instruct you, correct you and reveal God to you.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 31 by Ebun Segun

From the day I rededicated my life to Christ, the Holy Spirit has been a very important part of my daily life. I grew up listening to my mother say things like "I don't do anything without asking the Holy Spirit". I didn't fully understand it until I took my walk with God seriously. The Holy Spirit literally holds my hand every day and guides me.

For the past 3 weeks, the Holy Spirit has been teaching me on fear and what it does. Being the person I am, I get scared about EVERYTHING easily.  He taught me that confessions of faith should be what I turn to at the sight of any problem or fear. He made me realize that He should be my first option, not an alternative when it comes to seeking solutions to problems.

In my life, the Holy Spirit usually reveals important things to me through dreams and interprets them to me later on. During my morning devotion, I prayed to God to give me a dream (since I didn't get one in a while) that would show me something. I woke up then next day completely disregarding everything I had dreamt about but somehow, the scenes kept flashing in my head. While I was at church, the scenes of my dream came to my mind again and it was there that the Holy Spirit told me: "when you allow the enemy to sense the fear in you, you make him think he is stronger " . This was the icing on the cake for me!
From this day, there is no fear in me. The enemy may come and try to shake me, but I know what I know!
(The picture attached is from a play I took part in, but it perfectly illustrates how fear holds one hostage)

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 30 By Zainab Adewusi

I have decided to participate in this challenge because I believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in me. There are different ways the Holy Spirit speaks to me but most especially is through people! Whenever I start contemplating what I'm going through, someone around me always has a word which encourages me most of the time. Another way the Holy Spirit speaks to me is coming across what I have prayed about everywhere and I mean everywhere ( Facebook, Instagram and even Tumblr!) . For example I am scared about life he sends a word to me and I know it's not a coincidence!!! The main thing I have realised through this journey is to trust God in whatever you're going through. 

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 29 by Marie Oke

I was born into a Christian family and that's all I've known my whole life the normal thing for one born into a Christian family is to just follow your parents to church and join them in prayer you never really understand why or have a personal encounter. As I advanced in age I gradually started finding interest in God and seeing him work in my life 
But it’s always been Jesus, Jesus. 
I never really thought about the Holy Spirit. All I knew was that he was peaceful and calm and serene 
He isn't violent he instructs calmly
But I never really had an experience with him
It was only recently that I realized how amazing he is 
He started showing himself to me in ways that are so clear that its him 
Whenever I want to do something or go somewhere I would just be like 
"Holy spirit if you don't want me to do it let me know' and something affecting what I'm supposed to do will happen, among other things he is a friend, a solace, the best comforter, He's always there 
But you have to want him for you to feel his presence 
He's made me realize the importance of Gods will in my life 
And the need to put ones full trust in God and being in the continual presence of God no matter what you do.
The Holy Spirit is the best friend there is.

Monday, 21 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 28 by Esther Olatunde

The Holy Spirit speaks to us and with us in the most random ways even when you're least expecting it, from watching tv to reading a book, you might just hear Him, always looking out for us and always there whenever we need to just vent or to gist randomly.

 An instance when I heard him really clear was when I was being lazy and procrastinating. I was behind on reading my bible so much, so this particular day I had decided to read the bible, I gathered my journal, highlighter and what not thinking ' Yessss the devil is in trouble today, i am reading this bible whether he likes it or not', only for me to say let me just rest my head for 5 minutes and i slept off. As I as tossing and turning, i just heard that voice and it said 'I can easily replace you, do you want me to replace you'. Best believe I woke up and started reading that bible. I felt terrible, i had been slacking so bad that the Holy Spirit had to ask me that question. Recently in the book i use for my morning devotion, Discipline and Priority was the topic, and instantly my mind zoomed in on this situation, if i had been disciplined enough and knew how to prioritze well, He wouldn't have had to ask me that question, I would have read my bible when i was supposed to and not procrastinate.

Another time was when i was washing the dishes, i had washed this cup and was about to dry it but it fell back in amidst the dirty ones, immediately i picked it up and washed it again, and He said "Esther, did you notice how you instantly picked that cup back and washed again, that is how you should pick yourself back up when you stumble in your walk with me, don't waste time wallowing in self pity or guilt, I'll always be available for you" 
I just pray always to the Lord not to take his Spirit from me else i'll be ultimately lost.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 27 by Vanessa Mbelede

The beautiful thing about reading the word is how you can understand the same verse in so many different ways each time you re read. To me the Holy Spirit is my Helper; He helps me to understand the word and to remember (John 14:26) which is why I invite Him before I read my bible. (So you know when you're like wow when reading the bible or when those random verses pop in your head during the day? Yes that's Him) But after reading your other posts I began to understand something, the presence of the Holy Spirit is also a reminder that God is with us and never leaves us, the same way Jesus promised his disciples that he wouldn't leave them because the Holy Spirit would be with them. One Sunday In church I was worshipping and trying my best to keep my spirits high because honestly I had been feeling the complete opposite, I was feeling alone and I just wasn't sure that I was being heard by God or even the people around me, like I didn't matter So the preacher was healing and prophesying to people and I closed my eyes and asked God to direct her to me, I need to know that you can hear me was what I kept saying. That didn't happen and her time was up, but then she asked for an extra ten minutes and called me out to pray with me, she said exactly what I had told God to tell her to say to me and even added fisi lol  Needless to say I was feeling very important after that. What I'm trying to say is God is always there, he won't leave you, but God is spirit and those who worship Him should do so in spirit and truth. So find a way to invite the Holy Spirit and let God speak to you. For me it's mainly through worship.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 26 by Gloria Imevbore

One of the reasons why I am comfortable as an introvert is because I have a best friend who I can talk to anytime. The Holy Spirit is my best friend.
The Holy Spirit speaks to me in many ways but most especially through the Bible/Word. The Holy Spirit is God and the Bible/Word is God’s Word. Like, the Bible is what God is saying. You get? For example, I got into big trouble at work on a Friday so was dreading going back on Monday. A scripture pops in my heart, John 15 v 7; 
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you”. 
 I seriously held on to that Word, repeating out loud and in my mind (even though I did not really believe it at the beginning) what I wanted to happen. (I asked that the trouble will be reduced to one that I could handle. By Sunday, I believed it and I was relaxed.
I went to work on Monday; the whole issue had been solved. I didn’t have to answer for anything.  EVERYTHING was dropped. Another worker had cleared up my mess for me.
Another way He speaks to me is just speaking to my spirit in plain English. It comes like a thought. A good way to know it’s the Holy Spirit speaking is when you get a totally random thought pop in your head. For example, I was in NYSC camp some months back and I was laying my bed in the morning. You know how everything goes fast in camp and you are mostly always busy. This was around past 8am and I was worrying that I won’t have enough time to run to “Mammy Market” to get something to eat then secure a seat in the hall for the lecture. As I was analyzing and contemplating here and there, I heard very clearly “Check on this person and ask her to send her bank details. Send her some money” I was so concerned about my own food I let the thought slide. I’m thinking, why am I thinking about this person, she’s in school, she’s doing fine. I’m in NYSC camp, I’m suffering! Lol
After camp, this person comes to visit me in my house and she goes,” I was so broke at one period I barely had anything to eat”. I backtracked to the period she mentioned and it was the exact same time the Holy Spirit had told me to send her money.
Also the Holy Spirit speaks to me by disrupting my flow of peace or joy. I will explain this on my blog.
There are SO many ways the Holy Spirit speaks to us and like Ugo says, how He speaks to me can be different from how He speaks to you. Ask God to speak to you how you can understand and you’re sorted 

Friday, 18 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 25 by Ataisi Tony-Adiari

Reading every other person’s post has inspired me to write this, because I thought there is really no breathtaking way that the Holy spirit has spoken to me; like he was sitting right there beside me speaking, and he was loud and clear. But He speaks to me in every way, through reading the bible, in church, through other people and in my thoughts and the way I feel towards something.
For instance, my mind has been a bit conflicted about what kind of music I listen to, especially regarding soca music. Sometimes the things said in the songs do not glorify God one bit. So something I would usually dance to without giving any second thoughts, became so uncomfortable, and I felt like I didn’t know how to dance to the songs any more without feeling inappropriate. Also while scrolling through facebook I saw a video talking about secular entertainment, by Simply, Feli, and that just made things clearer and gave me a better understanding as to why it was not okay
While on facebook, I had seen a random post, well it is not totally random, because there is nothing like coincidence with God. I remember sending it to a friend, “Take the limits off of God. Don’t think of all the reasons something is not going to work. In the natural it may not look like it, but remember, we serve a supernatural God. He wouldn’t have given you the dream unless He already had a way to bring it to pass.”- Joel Osteen. And I went through it this morning and like a light bulb in my head, it just gave me a confirmation that the vision I was working towards was definitely going to be a possibility, even though everything else does not seem to be order.
I think it’s rather amazing how subtle the Holy Spirit can be, because it’s in the little things we tend to find a deeper meaning. So if you feel you don’t know how the Holy Spirit speaks, speak to Him to reveal His words to you in a way you alone understand. One thing I’ve learnt is using another person’s experience to determine yours can sometimes bring frustrating results.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 24 by Francis Edo Osagie

Holy Spirit, the spirit of the living God

And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21
The Holy Spirit is gentle and should not be grieved! The Holy Spirit does so much for us, we cannot do without Him. The spirit of power, the spirit of God.
For me personally, I tend to find a different type of calm when i’m in the shower (I know it can sound funny), I have no distractions and my mind is often running at a different pace. Eyes closed and I begin to see things to happen in my life IF I follow Jesus ALL THE WAY.
In the shower is my own quiet place, where I reflect and at the same time the Holy Spirit is speaking to me, telling my why this or that had happened in the past and how it will be used to the glory of God in the future. This reminds me of Jesus Christ referring to what happened to Jonah in Matthew 12:40.
Sometime last year, I was about to go and play football. I knew my travel ticket had expired the day before. I went on to go and play football with enough money to buy the ticket. I heard a voice constantly reminding me to buy the ticket before I boarded the first bus. I procrastinated, arrived on the pitch, played and now on my way back the voice reminded me to buy a ticket. So I thought, no one asked for a ticket before so why bother now that I am on my way home? Woe and behold as the bus arrived at the next stop, I was asked for my ticket. A ticket that would have cost me CHF6.50 ended up costing me CHF100.
Brethren, it pays to listen and do according to what the Holy Spirit tells you. Juxtaposing both the good and the not so good against one another, my experiences have taught me to listen to the still small voice within.

Francis Edo-Osagie

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 22 by Bukkie Smart

As with a lot of us, I was one of those who got to know the Holy Spirit much later in my walk with Christ, forgetting that without Him, I couldn’t even have come to Christ. 

You see, it’s easy to take The Holy Spirit for granted, to act like we do everything on our own and are the way we are by our own strength. We forget to acknowledge Him or even remember Him. After all our default human nature is to be selfish and take the glory to ourselves. 

It is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord Almighty. Zechariah 4:6

My Holy Spirit encounters have come in all shapes and form. One particular one I like are the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. And my favourite two out of those are wisdom and joy.

(Gift) Wisdom - I’m talking about worldly wisdom and Godly wisdom. Wisdom and knowledge in the revelation of Christ and wisdom in your everyday life. You know those moments when you’re reading a bible verse you’ve heard/read a thousand times but for the first time, it really clicks. You get a new revelation for it and you’re giddy with excitement because you could literally take someone to church and preach about it. Yes, those ones! I live for those ‘Aha!’ , fist-pumping moments. That Godly wisdom when you’re about to do something really silly and you get convicted by the Spirit (I call it a Spirit pinch) and you don’t do it. Days/weeks/months later you see the outcome of what would’ve been if you did do it and you’re telling your friends ’That could’ve been me, BUT GOD!!’ You’re looking up like ‘God, that could’ve only been you that saved me from xxx. Thank you.” Did you know that’s the Holy Spirit saving you from all those mishaps, little everyday crisis and so much more than words could explain? We can all recall those countless times we could’ve died, failed, been stranded, been hurt, even as little as stubbing your toe! But the Holy Spirit is just there with those little insights of wisdom saying ‘Do this, don’t do that. Go here, say this, don’t say that.’ (Isaiah 30:21) Sometimes I just look back, and I’m in awe. Not even of the big things, but those little ones that no one ever sees or knows. Just seeing how those little faith actions pulled you through, or listening to your Spirit over an issue and how it worked in your favour, doesn’t it just make you smile and be filled with gratitude?   

(Fruit) Joy - Someone recently asked me why I was always so bubbly and vibrant. My answer - well the Holy Spirit of course. Check my snapchat at 9am when I’m going to work and you’d see me doing the shoki during my praise session. Come back 9pm and I’m dancing to African praise when taking off my make-up. It wasn’t till I got that question I thought deep and hard as to why I always seemed so happy. Was it because everything was always going fine? No. Was I Bill Gate’s daughter that was swimming in millions of pounds? Nope. Was I faking it? Definitely not. It seemed like I was always happy because I really was filled with joy all the time!
The only reason I can explain my joy in the midst of all the hustles and bustles and highs and lows of life lies in the Holy Spirit. I’m not always happy, but I always have joy. The psalmist says there is fullness of joy in His presence. (Psalm 16:11) Listen to enough gospel songs and you’d know what I’m talking about. And if you’re Nigerian and understand your language and listen to a song in it, then you’ll really know what’s up. Joy that overflows even when the enemy is trying to pull one on ya. Joy that no man can take away or give you. That’s the Holy Spirit right there. No matter what comes, no matter what goes, the joy the Holy Spirit puts in you is second to any other type of feeling. 

I could go on and on but I’ll leave you with this song that describes me every time I get a compliment:
“People dey ask me say, na wetin dey make me shine/smile, I just dey tell dem say na Jesus (my Holy Spirit) dey make me shine/smile.”

If you don’t have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, I urge you to intentionally seek one with Him. He longs to reveal Himself to you. And guys, He is realer than the realest. 

I hope this has made you think a bit, smile but most of all, have you longing for the Holy Spirit. I pray as you find Him, you will be blessed. God bless you!

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 23 by Victoria Walter


 Honestly, i once used to ask the question to myself about how the Holy Spirit do talk to people, i did not really understand and get to know when he was talking to me and i never asked anyone but i watched videos of people who really know what they where doing and who they are in Christ. All these actually didn't still convince me about the Holy spirit talking to me;like Ugo said the medium which God talks to people are different( in the way they would understand). 
  I can't really tell when i was saved but i know it started from a day. The thing i see now is that God has been reaching out to me a long time ago, i would say since when i was little because i grew up in a very Strong Christian home and i had the opportunity to be saved but i was so distracted,shy and weak to embrace what was been offered to me. All the mistakes i have made since then actually opened me up today and am so Greatfull to God for being faithful even when a was not.
  When i saw the post about the challenge, i went back into my past and was so so filled with joy and i began to thank God for everything. I call myself God's Love and i have recently been thinking how did i come up with the idea of it and don't still know how ( That's was God, Romans 8:16 ) and also so many things i say and i do  i think of how i got the Wisdom to say all the things i say and talk to others( some of my friends say i talk like an elderly woman with so much wisdom) and i say it is God.
 In 1 Corinthians 6:19 says "Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You  do not belong to ourselves but to God; (20) he bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God's Glory. In these chapter and verse i believe the Holy Spirit doesn't only live in our heart but controls the whole Body if you let him[ I am trying my best not to Preach and stay on the actual plan].
  The Holy Spirit was really getting me ready for this talk because i had like challenges these few weeks that i can really explain  how the Holy Spirit spoke to me and am doubtless and convinced. Before then i was actually praying that God speak to me directly(anyhow;if it is appearance God appear, if its dream God am ready, If i could just hear your still small voice God i would lock myself in a quiet place as far as i can hear you). I was asking God for clarity on my Situation at that moment but He came back showing me another thing.
This is how it happened, you know when some one is really hungry, i was hungry like that to read my bible but i was eating half of it instead of full plate. Then one day i saw a post which included Bible verse and i wanted to pass it but i just stop resisting and took up my Bible and studied the verses i saw on the post which lead me to Matthew 6:24 to end and it was specking to me so clearly and i was feeling it inside of me and that same day this verse came up again like 3 times and i felt so Guilty and was asking God for mercy through out that day till now. The next day was Sunday and i went to Church and the topic taught in church was about Peace and i got a question within me saying "Where is the Peace i have given to you?" it came to me that God was giving me Peace of Mind over my situation and i allowing my self get distracted by unnecessary things and not see the peace...i was now trusting God based on what i was seeing around me and not on what i know about him. I felt i had disappointed God. This is how God spoke to me and he said On the Journey (that was the title of the post i just wrote recently about the experience on my Blog). Keep Praying that God speaks to you the way you will understand; CLARITY.
             Ephesians 2:10
                                  "God has made us what we are(today,now), and in union(relationship) with Christ Jesus he has created us for a life of Good Deeds, which he has already Prepared for us to do". 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 21 by Chiz @lemonie_

Dear Worrywarts, this one is for you.
I tend to be a worrywart. I can worry about even the littlest things like 'what if my phone dies and my dad can't reach me and thinks something has happened' or 'what if I fail this exam', etc. A friend would tell me about their issues and I would begin to worry on their behalf.
Worrying is a lot of stress and instead of enjoying a process, I would worry about what the outcome would be.
I remember in my final year, when rumours of our first semester results started flying about. I heard all sorts, about how people failed and the general performance was horrible. I started flashing back to each paper and thinking about how I had forgotten to write down an important case or mixed up my sections. I didn't sleep well for some days!
Then one morning as I was reading my Open Heavens, I saw something that hit me, well that the Holy Spirit led me to focus on (as I was rushing for a class).
Philippians 4: 6-7 'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.'

What I understand by this is that instead of constantly stressing and worrying about every single thing, all I need to do is to pray about it and let God know my fears and He take it from there and give me His peace that surpasses all human understanding.

Matthew 6 v 27 'Who of you by 
worrying can add an hour to his life?'

(This actually hit me while watching Selma, which goes to show that the Holy Spirit can use any medium to reach you).
It's not been easy not to worry at all but I always try to make a conscious effort to remember these passages and then pray and leave it to God to take care of. Believe me it's been great so far.
So for all you worrywarts out there, I hope this blesses you as much as it blessed me.

Monday, 14 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 20 by Abimbola Johnson Olabode

It has been just over five years since I gave my life to Christ and I have to affirm this truth that it is the best decision I have ever made.

The Holy Spirit.. man oh man, I owe Him my life. It was the summer of 2014 that I really met Him. This was in the middle of one of the most toughest seasons of my life so far. I remember going to God in prayer and telling Him something along the lines of "you say I have the victory in Christ. Well, it's either I'm missing something or you are a liar! What do I have that confirms I have this victory and I can walk in this victory?" . That was when I heard, felt, saw, I don't know lol but all I know was I ended up buying Good Morning Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn. And my life has been the same again.

Since then, I have developed a relationship with Him that I ask Him to tickle me when I'm down; or I ask Him to pray for me when I don't know what to do; or to whisper a love word in my ear. My bible study time and my times of prayer have never been the same. Of recent, I have developed a core conviction that He is the most romantic person I know.

In all I have experienced of the Holy Spirit till date, I can say everything He does and says will lead a person to Jesus and promote His Lordship; will inspire love, faith and humility to  and in all men; will enlarge a person's heart of worship and intensify one's hatred of sin.

He is a gentleman and He isn't one to come uninvited. He is my sweetheart!!

Sunday, 13 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 19 by Isio Okumagba

This challenge is a wonderful reminder of the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. John 4:26 says 'But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you. Personally the Holy Spirit speaks through me though the word of God. I can remember last year I was really trusting for my visa application because I've had really bad experiences with visas and somehow in my spirit I had gotten a confirmation but I was still scared and had doubts and i remembered telling my friends to pray for me and a friend gave me this scripture. Proverbs 21:1. I felt assured through the word that the God that started a good work in my life will surely complete it. The Holy Spirit comforts me through the word when I'm down and also CONVICTS me when I'm going astray. I always remind myself that been obedient to God is far more profitable than disobedience because the word of God is a light to my path and a lamp to my feet.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 18 by Seun Allen Taylor

So I saw this challenge and I was like, this would be such a fun and encouraging thing to do. " I am totally going to do this...........later ". 
I am not equipped enough to inspire someone else. I haven't gotten to that point yet, I still need people to invest In me. These are the thoughts that came barreling through my head almost immediately. And for a long time this has been my struggle. 

I always pray for The Lord to use me but whenever opportunities come especially when they come in the form of mentoring someone else spiritually or helping them grow, I run away. No I am not a bad person and I do want with all my heart to be able to pour into someone else but the devil always tries to lie to me that I am not capable. 

This week I decided to say no. This is where the Holy Spirit really took charge.  Sunday morning on my way to church, a friend who is one of the youth leaders at my church and I were talking. He told me that he would like to see me being more actively involved in running our bible study. My first reaction was excitement but just as quickly as it came, it left. Almost instantly I started worrying, I'm not there yet, I'm really busy right now, I'm not qualified and all these other thoughts. He encouraged me to pray about it and I told him I would, but I had already made a decision to not do it.

We got to church and when it was time for the word I prayed as I always do on Sundays. "Lord let me be blessed by your word today and let it speak to me." And then the guest minister started preaching on worship and fruitfulness. Halfway through the sermon, I was crying because I felt like God was talking directly to me. She preached about what it means to be fruitful in Gods house. The holy spirit kept telling me, if you do not start now, you are never going to ever feel qualified enough. A friend told me, if you don't realize you can impact people now, because you will constantly keep having higher goals that you haven't accomplished yet, you will never feel capable of impacting others. 

I left feeling convicted by the Holy Spirit to step completely out of my comfort zone (Introvert alert) and do more this year for God. Also, in line with my taking bigger steps for God, I decided to take a little sister in my sorority (Sigma Phi Lambda incase you were wondering) this semester which I was previously not going to do. If you are reading this please pray along with me that God uses me to bless her and help her grow in him this year, and that also I would be a light for those in my bible study and in school in general.

Lastly for anyone who has been struggling with this, you are not alone, keep praying and let the spirit lead you, not the other way around, and hold on to this verse with me keeping in mind our God is an amazing God, and he will use only those who are willing to be used.

Zechariah 4:10 New Living Translation (NLT) 
Do not despise these small beginnings,

for the Lord rejoices to see the work

begin, to see the plumb line in

Zerubbabel’s hand.