Sunday, 27 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 34 by Becky Larry-Izamoje

I can totally relate to a couple of write ups I've seen out there. The Holy Spirit indeed speaks to me when I Read the bible with a deep yearn for a revelation from Him. Indeed he revealed to me that when I want to cry 'God speak to me', I should just read The Bible. That has changed my life a great deal. He has spoken to me through many different ways ,through people, in dreams, while praying & fasting, and not only that , but even just unexpectedly sometimes. For instance , one day from the balcony of the backyard in the house I was in, I saw a rat scattering things on the ground outside in its attempt to hide beneath them, but no matter how hard it tried to hide, it still remained visible to me as I was watching its every move. This spoke me that no matter where I choose to hide, I'm forever visible to God and can never hide from his sight. Also, like the bible says in Romans 3:23, all have sinned and have fall short of the glory of God. 
When in weak in my spirit I find it hard to pray but it is the Holy Spirit that helps me.
Romans 8:26 'And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words'. I remember very vividly this particular day I was in my room at uni and I really wanted to pray but I just couldn't find the words. I just began to say Holy Spirit help me pray. That evening is unforgettable .
I cried, I sang,i spoke , I prayed, in what I thought was unimaginable .
So the Holy Spirit is real and He's at work. All we need to do is just open up , receive Him and allow Him. I wholeheartedly desire all of Him.  May God help us all to be more like Him in Jesus name, amen
The most important part to me is the weak in spirit one and How he helped me to pray

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