Tuesday, 15 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 21 by Chiz @lemonie_

Dear Worrywarts, this one is for you.
I tend to be a worrywart. I can worry about even the littlest things like 'what if my phone dies and my dad can't reach me and thinks something has happened' or 'what if I fail this exam', etc. A friend would tell me about their issues and I would begin to worry on their behalf.
Worrying is a lot of stress and instead of enjoying a process, I would worry about what the outcome would be.
I remember in my final year, when rumours of our first semester results started flying about. I heard all sorts, about how people failed and the general performance was horrible. I started flashing back to each paper and thinking about how I had forgotten to write down an important case or mixed up my sections. I didn't sleep well for some days!
Then one morning as I was reading my Open Heavens, I saw something that hit me, well that the Holy Spirit led me to focus on (as I was rushing for a class).
Philippians 4: 6-7 'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.'

What I understand by this is that instead of constantly stressing and worrying about every single thing, all I need to do is to pray about it and let God know my fears and He take it from there and give me His peace that surpasses all human understanding.

Matthew 6 v 27 'Who of you by 
worrying can add an hour to his life?'

(This actually hit me while watching Selma, which goes to show that the Holy Spirit can use any medium to reach you).
It's not been easy not to worry at all but I always try to make a conscious effort to remember these passages and then pray and leave it to God to take care of. Believe me it's been great so far.
So for all you worrywarts out there, I hope this blesses you as much as it blessed me.

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