Wednesday, 30 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry by ME

I am so grateful to God and the participants of this challenge. I started it thinking only my friends would participate as per moral support but I got 37 entries and I didn't know quite a number of them personally. I cried and I asked God why this challenge and through the weeks I realised God wants to make himself known through us. I heard a saying that goes "it's easier to live holy than speak boldly". The devil doesn't want us to talk on here. We can be reading our bibles, speaking to God in our rooms as long as we don't speak about our relationships with God to others. It's just fine 👌🏾 BUT NAAAAHH! I'm gonna speak. God has been working on me since day 1 and I'm still learning under his feet but if I don't share then I'm wicked because I know where the cure is at and I'm not telling my friends, my family or others. God has been my sustainer, my inhaler, my speed, my heart, my lover and best friend.

So the HOLY SPIRIT, speaks to me in different ways and he confirms his direction.
I'll share two stories so that you can understand.
I try as much as possible to read my bible but it's not just only  reading and studying, you have to let that word SPEAK LIFE into your spirit. You can read the bible front to back and still have NO UNDERSTANDING. So I prayed last year at the beginning of the academic session and asked God to help me be attentive to what he has to say. I started a new pattern for studying the word. I didn't just do it in the morning or night. Any where I was I will read it, speak it and all. One day I was at church and I had an argument with a lady older than me by 4-5 years. It escalated that we exchanged a few words. I don't know what happened but I wasn't in control of my emotions that day. Not to sound childish but she started the quarrel. You know the way some church aunties can behave😭😭 so I go back to my flat and Told God I CANT apologies to her because if we lay facts on the table, I was right to an extent until I started to reply her. So God said okay. That night, I read my bible and prayed "Lord I live to serve you" 🙌🏾


The next day I went to Church for bible study and the memory verse for the day was 2 Timothy 2: 24. 'A SERVANT of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all'. I cried 😭😭😭I started confessing to the people in bible study😭😭 all my Pride had gone and I ran to the Aunty and apologised. Little did I know that God was also working with her over night as well so she apologised to me. When I got back home, I was laughing. I was telling God, pride can kill and I laughed. God has been putting me in positions where I have to show what I have learnt from reading the word.

He also speaks to me through people. I can be impatient at times. There was a burden in my heart and I didn't know who to tell. I prayed but I was scared they will judge me. That time I used to lead a bible study group and my girls will come to me and tell me their issues, I would pray with and for them and next week, Testimonies. I'll go back to my room and CRY😭😭😭😭 Abba why?? What of me??

No one knew. One day after maybe a week or two of my season. After leading bible study, one of the guys that disciple me just came and said Jesus loves you. Another one called me on FaceTime, Jesus is deeply in love with you. I got three texts Jesus loves you so much. I started to cry. And one of them explained that it was a season, by that time in my walk, I couldn't really discern seasons and times. Awon Baby drinking Milk 👶🏾🍼

He speaks to me through dreams, well the dreams are more, you have been slacking that why you are feeling this way, so I wake up and pray. I put my mind under the subjection of God. My body is very sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is telling me meaning sometimes I feel a physical pain, in my chest. When my eyes and ears Have been dwelling on things they ought not to be dwelling on, I would dream. It became scary so I started to watch what I listened to because "faith comes by hearing"

God is my best friend and I tell him when I'm pissed and when I'm happy and all. I report people that annoy me to him and he uses that opportunity to teach me love and humility. However during those times we have banter time. We just laugh but the one message I get no matter what I read, hear, do. I love you and I'm going to use you but you have to be COMMITTED. You might fall but you will NEVER fall out of me, you will fall in me (in grace)

So here's mine and I'm out

#TheHolySpiritChallenge 🏾️💜

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