I have learnt to see my emotions as indicators
and not dictators mostly because I see it as one of the ways the Holy
Spirit speaks to me.
Whenever I start feeling really strong emotions about something or someone, I have to sit down and articulate what God is trying to say to me. For instant , if I feel I start feeling discontent, it might be God telling me reach for me or a sign that I have allowed myself to feed on things that has made me covetous or greedy.
Recently, I started feeling very uncomfortable around a close friend of mine. I didn’t understand why. This girl was like a Sister to me, and so I didn’t understand why I felt so much negative emotions towards her. It continued for days and weeks and negatively affected my relationship with her (We are no longer as close as we used to be, but babe if you are reading this, know that I still love you loads and
I wish things could go back to the way it used to be. xx). So one day, I casually asked God during my quiet time why I was feeling this way, and I couldn’t believe what God told me.
God told me that I was living in unforgiveness. Now listen, I have had to deal with a lot of things, but unforgiveness was something I never thought that I dealt with.
I couldn’t think of any major way my friend had hurt me. I had to ask the Holy Spirit to help me understand. As days went by, He began to show me that I liked to run away from issues and situations unconsciously without dealing with it. So if someone hurt me, I would rather pretend like I wasn’t hurt just for peace sake rather than deal with the issue. This secret hurt and grudge unconsciously builds up to unforgiveness and leads to negative actions towards them. In the case of my friend, because we really close, there had definitely been time when she said something hurtful to me or did something to hurt me and instead of dealing with this hurt, I act like I let it slide
while I secretly hold a grudge. Because I refused to deal with these little things, they pile up and lead to unforgiveness. Wow!
If anyone had told me that I was struggling with unforgiveness, I would have called that person a liar. But now since it was the Holy Spirit, I knew I had to address this issue.
This is one of many situations where if the Holy spirit hadn’t spoken to me, I wouldn’t have known otherwise.
This particular situation thought me a lot of lessons. It thought me to not be passive about any situations. If someone does something that hurt me, depending on how big it is, I like to address it. IF it is not such a big deal, I just talk to the Holy Spirit about it. I say something like ‘see, what this person did hurt me. They probably did not do it intentionally and I feel like it is not worth bringing it up with them, but please can you just heal me of every hurt no matter how small and help me love them like you continue to love me regardless’
It has also thought me to always talk to the Holy spirit about everything especially as he is always with me. Even the small seemingly insignificant things.
In have also learnt that the way God speaks to me, is not the same for other people. For instance, I am sure it is not everybody he speaks to through their emotions.
It has also thought me the importance of guarding my heart. If I want to constantly hear from God, then I need to be in the position to
constantly hear him by guarding what I allow my mind to feed on both consciously and unconsciously. I need to be in the position to be 100% confident that it is God speaking to me and I am not just being moved by emotions or my fleshly desires
I have also learnt to not just be moved by my emotions, but to submit it to God and allow the holy spirit to let me know what he is indicating to me.
When you are in a relationship with God, he will not just tell you the sweet jubbly things.
Whenever I start feeling really strong emotions about something or someone, I have to sit down and articulate what God is trying to say to me. For instant , if I feel I start feeling discontent, it might be God telling me reach for me or a sign that I have allowed myself to feed on things that has made me covetous or greedy.
Recently, I started feeling very uncomfortable around a close friend of mine. I didn’t understand why. This girl was like a Sister to me, and so I didn’t understand why I felt so much negative emotions towards her. It continued for days and weeks and negatively affected my relationship with her (We are no longer as close as we used to be, but babe if you are reading this, know that I still love you loads and
I wish things could go back to the way it used to be. xx). So one day, I casually asked God during my quiet time why I was feeling this way, and I couldn’t believe what God told me.
God told me that I was living in unforgiveness. Now listen, I have had to deal with a lot of things, but unforgiveness was something I never thought that I dealt with.
I couldn’t think of any major way my friend had hurt me. I had to ask the Holy Spirit to help me understand. As days went by, He began to show me that I liked to run away from issues and situations unconsciously without dealing with it. So if someone hurt me, I would rather pretend like I wasn’t hurt just for peace sake rather than deal with the issue. This secret hurt and grudge unconsciously builds up to unforgiveness and leads to negative actions towards them. In the case of my friend, because we really close, there had definitely been time when she said something hurtful to me or did something to hurt me and instead of dealing with this hurt, I act like I let it slide
while I secretly hold a grudge. Because I refused to deal with these little things, they pile up and lead to unforgiveness. Wow!
If anyone had told me that I was struggling with unforgiveness, I would have called that person a liar. But now since it was the Holy Spirit, I knew I had to address this issue.
This is one of many situations where if the Holy spirit hadn’t spoken to me, I wouldn’t have known otherwise.
This particular situation thought me a lot of lessons. It thought me to not be passive about any situations. If someone does something that hurt me, depending on how big it is, I like to address it. IF it is not such a big deal, I just talk to the Holy Spirit about it. I say something like ‘see, what this person did hurt me. They probably did not do it intentionally and I feel like it is not worth bringing it up with them, but please can you just heal me of every hurt no matter how small and help me love them like you continue to love me regardless’
It has also thought me to always talk to the Holy spirit about everything especially as he is always with me. Even the small seemingly insignificant things.
In have also learnt that the way God speaks to me, is not the same for other people. For instance, I am sure it is not everybody he speaks to through their emotions.
It has also thought me the importance of guarding my heart. If I want to constantly hear from God, then I need to be in the position to
constantly hear him by guarding what I allow my mind to feed on both consciously and unconsciously. I need to be in the position to be 100% confident that it is God speaking to me and I am not just being moved by emotions or my fleshly desires
I have also learnt to not just be moved by my emotions, but to submit it to God and allow the holy spirit to let me know what he is indicating to me.
When you are in a relationship with God, he will not just tell you the sweet jubbly things.
He will also convict, correct and instruct through the Holy Spirit.
when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God's
righteousness, and of the coming judgment.’
John 16:8
The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the living God dwelling on the inside of me. The king of kings dwelling on the inside of you. He is there to instruct you, correct you and reveal God to you.
The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the living God dwelling on the inside of me. The king of kings dwelling on the inside of you. He is there to instruct you, correct you and reveal God to you.
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