I literally
just stumbled across your tumblr and blog this evening and I think it's
wonderful that you're doing the Holy Spirit challenge! I've enjoyed reading all
the entries so far, so I thought I'd share mine as well. So here goes.....
The Holy
Spirit speaking to me has definitely been one of the most rewarding benefits of
my Christian walk so far. The most vivid memory I have of this was a couple of
months ago when I was revising for my final year exams. I distinctly remember
for my Intellectual Property Law exam, I had prayed and asked God for guidance
on what topics to revise for the exam because it wasn't possible/advisable to
revise all the topics that had been covered throughout the year. It's funny
because the Bible says we should ask and we will receive, I asked God for
guidance and indeed he answered me through the Holy Spirit by directing me to
focus on a particular topic. At the time, I wasn't able to discern as clearly
the difference between my voice and that of the Holy Spirit so in my confusion,
I decided it would be wiser and less of a gamble to revise another topic in
conjunction with the one I had been specifically told would
come out. Ofcourse, when I got to the exam, the topic came out and the exact
case and area I had focused some of my revision on. If I had taken that leap of
faith and focused more on the topic, I definitely would have done a lot better
in the exam. But I thank God for my success through him nonetheless.
Since then, I
have focused on spending more time with God through reading my Bible and having
quiet time where I sit with my Heavenly Father and listen. Because the truth is
that he speaks to us ALL the time! From the most mundane things like giving up
your seat on the train to an elderly person to the big stuff like career
decisions. As humans, we naturally tend to speak more than we listen and this
applies in our relationships with God too, but I've learnt that we have to be
intentional about listening to Him and seeking after Him. Indeed the scripture
says that He rewards those who seek him diligently. The relationship is
definitely an ongoing process but the beautiful thing is that the more time you
spend with God and in His word, the more clearly you hear His voice.
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