I gave my life to Christ for the first time when I was 6 and since then
the Holy Spirit speaks to me. When I was younger, it used to be this quiet
voice. An example was a day in school, I was walking and I saw some guys on a
ladder trying to put somethings on the top of a building. I was about to walk
under it and I heard a voice say 'don't go over there, move back' so I
literally did what I was instructed to do. In a minute, the ladder fell down
with the guys on it and they were badly injured. If I went an inch closer, it
would have fallen on me. This is just one example of how the Holy Spirit
There was a point in my life where I didn't have a relationship with
God. I knew Him but I was so distant from Him. He still spoke to me though but
I never really knew. I only realized looking back that the holy spirit was
speaking to me but the things of this world were so loud that I couldn't hear
it. That's the thing about God, he is quiet and subtle. The devil on the other
hand is very loud, everything about the world is loud and in your face. So when
you are serving the world and your focus is on worldly things, you might find
it hard to hear the Holy Spirit speak. But the holy spirits speaks and one day
it would hit you, like it hit me (That moment when God checks your life lol)
As I drew closer to God, the Holy Spirit started speaking to me through
the different methods but most especially through the word. The holy spirit
would convict me when I was doing something wrong, encourage me when I was down
and direct me when I was confused.
I love this challenge because I think it is important to know how the
holy spirits speaks, especially when you want to live a God driven life. It's
also important to know that everyone has a different experience. God knows you
and knows how He wants to communicate with you. It's very important to know
that God isn't a loud God, so if you're not still it would be very hard to hear
from him.
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