Monday, 21 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 28 by Esther Olatunde

The Holy Spirit speaks to us and with us in the most random ways even when you're least expecting it, from watching tv to reading a book, you might just hear Him, always looking out for us and always there whenever we need to just vent or to gist randomly.

 An instance when I heard him really clear was when I was being lazy and procrastinating. I was behind on reading my bible so much, so this particular day I had decided to read the bible, I gathered my journal, highlighter and what not thinking ' Yessss the devil is in trouble today, i am reading this bible whether he likes it or not', only for me to say let me just rest my head for 5 minutes and i slept off. As I as tossing and turning, i just heard that voice and it said 'I can easily replace you, do you want me to replace you'. Best believe I woke up and started reading that bible. I felt terrible, i had been slacking so bad that the Holy Spirit had to ask me that question. Recently in the book i use for my morning devotion, Discipline and Priority was the topic, and instantly my mind zoomed in on this situation, if i had been disciplined enough and knew how to prioritze well, He wouldn't have had to ask me that question, I would have read my bible when i was supposed to and not procrastinate.

Another time was when i was washing the dishes, i had washed this cup and was about to dry it but it fell back in amidst the dirty ones, immediately i picked it up and washed it again, and He said "Esther, did you notice how you instantly picked that cup back and washed again, that is how you should pick yourself back up when you stumble in your walk with me, don't waste time wallowing in self pity or guilt, I'll always be available for you" 
I just pray always to the Lord not to take his Spirit from me else i'll be ultimately lost.

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