Tuesday, 29 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 36 by Yemi Smart

I felt led to share how i believe the Holy Spirit speaks to me or dwells in me. I know it took me a while to figure out how the Holy Spirit speaks because I was always waiting for a clear voice. 
I believe the Holy Spirit speaks to me through people going through similar stuff I’m going through, through music and through doing the bible challenges. 

As people talk to me about their challenges or a challenge i think the Holy Spirit speaks to me through these people and this has helped me a lot going through different things. The funny thing is these people didn’t know I needed that or they were helping me. Like i could be finding it difficult to handle a situation and then someone who is going through something similar decides to tell me about their own issue. As i try to help the person and pray with the person even though i don’t know what to do about my own issue, things come to my head which i share to the person and these things can also apply to me. I’m like wow, how didn’t i think of this and i tell the person. Through peoples situations the Holy Spirit can speak to you so when someone tells me something, i always check if i can relate to it in a way and if not now i may use it later. So Amazing!!

Through the bible challenges on bible app, the Holy Spirit has convicted me of things as well as explained things that i don’t understand. For example i remember long ago i read something about people causing others to sin. I immediately got convicted about parties lol. Whether you don’t do anything bad but creating an avenue for people to do things was on your head. I won’t say i stopped instantly but the Holy Spirit had a way of making me get tired of these events that i didn’t have interest doing them again. I got interested in other things.

One thing i have learnt is, the Holy Spirit is always there to help you. Also do not kill your Spirit. Like when you are convicted about something, pause and rethink. Do not just carry on because you can kill your Spirit convicting you about that thing and you will get comfortable in it and make it a part of you. I have learnt to listen!

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