Saturday 12 September 2015

#TheHolySpiritChallenge Entry 18 by Seun Allen Taylor

So I saw this challenge and I was like, this would be such a fun and encouraging thing to do. " I am totally going to do this...........later ". 
I am not equipped enough to inspire someone else. I haven't gotten to that point yet, I still need people to invest In me. These are the thoughts that came barreling through my head almost immediately. And for a long time this has been my struggle. 

I always pray for The Lord to use me but whenever opportunities come especially when they come in the form of mentoring someone else spiritually or helping them grow, I run away. No I am not a bad person and I do want with all my heart to be able to pour into someone else but the devil always tries to lie to me that I am not capable. 

This week I decided to say no. This is where the Holy Spirit really took charge.  Sunday morning on my way to church, a friend who is one of the youth leaders at my church and I were talking. He told me that he would like to see me being more actively involved in running our bible study. My first reaction was excitement but just as quickly as it came, it left. Almost instantly I started worrying, I'm not there yet, I'm really busy right now, I'm not qualified and all these other thoughts. He encouraged me to pray about it and I told him I would, but I had already made a decision to not do it.

We got to church and when it was time for the word I prayed as I always do on Sundays. "Lord let me be blessed by your word today and let it speak to me." And then the guest minister started preaching on worship and fruitfulness. Halfway through the sermon, I was crying because I felt like God was talking directly to me. She preached about what it means to be fruitful in Gods house. The holy spirit kept telling me, if you do not start now, you are never going to ever feel qualified enough. A friend told me, if you don't realize you can impact people now, because you will constantly keep having higher goals that you haven't accomplished yet, you will never feel capable of impacting others. 

I left feeling convicted by the Holy Spirit to step completely out of my comfort zone (Introvert alert) and do more this year for God. Also, in line with my taking bigger steps for God, I decided to take a little sister in my sorority (Sigma Phi Lambda incase you were wondering) this semester which I was previously not going to do. If you are reading this please pray along with me that God uses me to bless her and help her grow in him this year, and that also I would be a light for those in my bible study and in school in general.

Lastly for anyone who has been struggling with this, you are not alone, keep praying and let the spirit lead you, not the other way around, and hold on to this verse with me keeping in mind our God is an amazing God, and he will use only those who are willing to be used.

Zechariah 4:10 New Living Translation (NLT) 
Do not despise these small beginnings,

for the Lord rejoices to see the work

begin, to see the plumb line in

Zerubbabel’s hand.  

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